Home Page
Tips and Tricks Page
Apache Support Page
This project is shared with
the community at in good faith and at no cost and using whatever free time I have
available. Sorry but I do not have time to give one-to-one support for Apache Webserver.
If you use MicroApache then please link to this page or mention MicroApache! Please see
the licensing conditions for each component
Update History Recent News and Updates (This Year)
- 26th February 2021 - Starting review and editing of legacy
web pages
Previous News and Updates
- 14th August 2009 - MicroPHPBB Anyone? - I am considering a
MicroApache bundle with PHPBB in the next round of releases should anyone be interested.
This would be Apache 2.x, PHP5, SQLite and GD with possibly PHPBB 3.0.2. I just tested
PHPBB 3.0.5 and it doesn't work with SQLite (I get SQLite General failures/PHP timeouts,
out of memory etc.)
- 2rd August 2009 - Released the MicroApache MP3 Jukebox
edition. It's the first release and may need tweaking. More details
here - This distro includes a utility called ShowIP which is used in the setup batch
file to set environment variables according to local IP addresses and server responses.
This has a separate web page
- 30th June 2009 - Apologies for the server being down a few
times over the past few weeks. We've had a number of power cuts and umpteen broadband
outages as Virgin Media get ready to upgrade cable broadband speeds around the UK. If the
site is down please check back later. Bandwidth is limited but I run my own webserver
mainly as a hobby and MicroApache is just one spin-off from this. I don't get paid to do
this, I do actually have a life and my time and financial resources are limited in
providing the kind of professional service some seem to expect!
- 15th May 2009 - Bug report. A couple of zip files had
errors which caused the appearance of folders called "access.log" and
"error.log". The zip files could not be repaired and have been recreated. This
was a corrupted ZIP file bug. If you downloaded prior to 15/05/2009 please ensure you
delete all *.LOG files from the /LOGS/ folder
- 28th April 2009 - Apache 1.3.41 - Added with options for
PHP 4.4.9, SQLite and GD2 (mod_deflate is not supported by Apache 1.3.x/Win32)
- 27th April 2009 - Apache 2.0.63 (no PHP) - A problem was
found with mod_deflate. from 2.0.61 has been utilised instead
Releases combined with PHP 4.4.9 (legacy) and PHP 5.2.9 (current) as well as the
GD2 graphics engine matching each version of PHP and SQLite
I am still not supporting Apache 2.2.x in MicroApache format and there have been no
requests for it - 2.0.x is adequate and supports more add-on modules than 2.2.x
* Please let me know via the contact form if you find any problems with this
release - esp. related to the mod_deflate issue
- April 2009 - Several expensive electricity bills have
forced an audit. I've found that my server consumes 60 watts constant which totals up to
about £20 per quarter just to keep it running. My fuel bill is now over £300 per
quarter. I am now retired but with no pension. f you can help please donate! (My ISP does
not allow the hosting of EXE downloads on my free webspace)
- February 2009 - There has been no real feedback to date so
I have no idea if I'm wasting my time with frequent releases - but the next version should
be due about Summer 2009 if I can find time to package it up. PHP 4.x is now obsoleted and
PHP 5 will be bundled in future releases. I'm finding it very hard to find compliled
versions of Apache 1.3.x which is a shame as it has a small footprint. In the meantime
please remember to drop a note in the guestbook
if you're finding MicroApache useful
- 25th July 2008 - VBSQLite Win32 DLL and Visual BASIC VBToolbox released to enable compact VB CGI apps
to be developed for MicroApache using console-mode VB and SQLite
- NOTICE - Bandwidth is limited and various protection
methods are used on this server to ensure it remains available to everyone
Please don't dynamically-mirror or "deep-link" to
binaries on this site without permission. Automated "bot" trawling, "deep-linking" or
"inline linking"
content to your own site may inadvertently trigger an automatic IP blockage of your
address and, ultimately your entire subnet or national range. Please don't attempt a DOS attack by repeatedly
retrieving large binaries for long periods of time - it will only get your IP or subnet permanently
blocked (as with *.keymachine.de). Automatic Bandwidth hog
traps are in use. Use a downloader such as FileHound or GetRight if you have problems with
download speeds.
- Update - 7th February 2008 - Updated Launch13x.exe to deny access to the server root via
docroot.conf. Override with /NoDenyServerRoot
- Update - 3rd January 2008 - MicroApachePE (For
BartPE/UBCD4Win) - 2.0.61 + PHP 5.2.5 - Read
more or Download Now
- Update - 19th December 2007 - Released ApacheKill.exe and
KillProc.exe to help control MicroApache
Tips and tricks page started - FAQ extended
- Update - 11th December 2007 - Some reports confirm PHP5 may
now work OK with Apache 2.0.x so I have released an alpha version with PHP 5.2.5
- Update - 1st November 2007 - MicroApache 2.0.61
and PHP 4.4.7 released
MicroApache 2.2.x update not released (no demand for it as yet)
* Please note PHP 4.x (4.4.7 latest) developer support
will end 31/12/2007 (www.php.net) *
- Update - 1st May 2007 - Tested MicroApache 2.0.59 OK in
Windows Vista
- Update - Security Reminder: Please set PHP security in
PHP.INI before going live on the internet with your website! - in particular ensure
you have RECOMMEND Register_Globals-OFF in PHP.INI as a
*MINIMUM* setting tweak
- Update - 1st June 2006 - Micro-Apache 2.2.2 Released (NO
- Update - 26th December 2006 - MicroApache 2.0.59 (with or
without PHP 4) released
Drive letter free configuration following a revision of the initial "floppy
web" distro
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