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This project is shared with the community at in good faith and at no cost and using whatever free time I have available. Sorry but I do not have time to give one-to-one support for Apache Webserver. If you use MicroApache then please link to this page or mention MicroApache! Please see the licensing conditions for each component



MicroApache Vice Logo MicroApache FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

I don't have time or the resources to operate a forum and given minimal feedback already encountered it may not be required.
If you have a question - why not ask? (general MicroApache FAQ questions only and absolutely no direct/IT/PC support questions please!!)

Sorry, but if you substantially alter the distro by relocating or removing components then I'm unlikely to be able to (or want to) help

For general PHP or Apache issues always check the official PHP site first. Sorry, I may not personally reply to all email enquiries, however FAQ responses
will either be posted in the guestbook or in the FAQ section below. If you post a query please check here a day or so later!.

I recently signed up at StackOverflow so you can try posting a question on there although I don't seem to be getting email updates from the site.
Please read the FAQs and any enclosed README.TXT *first*.

Try the Tips and Tricks Page or see the official Apache 2.0 Documentation - See also the PHPFreaks Apache Support forum

IMPORTANT Ensure you "harden" MicroApache security before using on a public-facing server

FAQ - Active Issues

  • Windows 7 log file flushing - Log files don't appear to be being "flushed" to disk on Windows 7.  Setting BufferedLogs OFF has no effect. The issue is seen with applications such as Tail for Windows or another version of tail which monitors the log file size in real-time. There is no known fix at present other than by manually refreshing any log-monitor. Versions of Apache observed with this problem are 2.x
  • Seamonkey Cache Issue - Seamonkey may store a "posioned" local host name. This may cause the wrong local address or host name to be accessed via the browser during configuration or experiments with MicroApache. To diagnose this use the SHOWIP utility with the command: - showip.exe <hostname/url> 8080 /full
    To clear the cache, use  Tools->Clear Private Data and tick the [x] cache option after unticking all others
  • mod_deflate zlib1.dll Issue - mod_deflate requires the zlib1.dll to be installed, either in a pathed location such as \WINDOWS or in the MicroApache root directory. If the zlib module isn't found then mod_deflate will refuse to load and may issue a spuriouis error. This will be corrected in the next release (late 2012)

FAQ - Apache Related Questions

  • Q) I found that it uses the C:\ root directory for that, but I want it to use mapache-folder\webpagesfolder\ instead as web pages folder. How do I configure it?
    A) The solution will vary depending on whether using Apache 1.3.x or 2.x.x.
    Edit httpd.conf (if static) and change the DocumentRoot value - if using dynamic configuration+v1.3.x then you will need to edit docroot.conf and read any associated notes relating to the auto-config launcher.
    See the examples in the httpd.conf file which are commented out.
    The syntax differs between 1.3.x and 2.x.x. Note also the autoconfig version if using MicroApache 1.3.x
    See also http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/core.html#documentroot
  • Q) I am using YII (yiiframework.com) to develop my PHP application. One of the requirement is pdo_sqlite. I am using http://microapache.kerys.co.uk/bin/MicroApache-2.0.63-PHP-5.2.9-SQLite.zip. Is the problem specific to my YII installation (YII is using PHP inbuilt function to check whether the extension is loaded) and it fails. Can you please point me to similar questions and solutions
    A) Most likely an issue with your PHP.INI configuration. Google will be your friend here re PDO SQlite v's SQlite. Bear in mind the supplied configuration is only a basic one. To adapt MicroApache and integrate with other products you will need to take responsibility for creating your own config.
  • Q) If I access a subfolder such as http://localhost/folder/ I am redirected to http://microapache/folder/
    A) Change the httpd.conf entry for ServerName to or the local machine name
    Or create a hosts/DNS entry for microapache which redirects to the local IP address or
  • Q) MicroApache seems really slow to me - it must be because of something peculiar to this distro - why is this?
    A) MicroApache is not substantively changed in any way from the original source distro. The code is not recompiled at all, just compressed and repackaged differently and supplied with a specific configuration. No surprise that in my own tests it performs exactly the same as the standard distros. If you're having performance issues then first check out your local host system and local network then have a look to see if the standard MicroApache configuration suits your needs and tweak if necessary. This may be particularly necessary if you use PHP etc. You will need a certain degree of expertise with TCP/IP and HTTP protocols to debug local network issues.
  • Q) I'd like to setup a portable apache server apache.exe seems to not understand what I want. I'd like to run the server anywhere. I'd like that the server root is that: (whatever you want)/tinyapache/htdocs but it can not find the index.php file. Can you help me to configure apache properly?
    A) MicroApache is intended to be portable and by default share the root of the host drive (which is always guaranteed to exist). If you configure specific document root values then the distro is no longer portable but a configured installation of Apache tailored to some specific use and entirely-dependent on the configured document root existing.

    In such configurations you will need to consult the Apache documentation relating to the DocumentRoot directive.
    For Apache v1.3.x pay attention to how it is launched, launcher versions v1.04 (launch13x.exe) and earlier don't configure the document root but you can launch mapache.exe directly with a configured root. The latest 1.3.x MicroApache launcher v1.05 (October 2011) takes a command line argument which can be used to set the document root to any folder. Apache v1.3 is now considered obsolete.The MicroApache 2.x distros simply require a valid DocumentRoot to be set. It behaves just the sams as the full Apache distro

    You can download the updated launch13x.exe (v1.05) from this link. An updated distro of MicroApache 1.3.37 configured with the v1.05 launcher is available from this link .Apache 1.3.x is no longer officially supported.
  • Q) I am unable to access subfolders from another machine - I get redirected to "localhost" with 404 error rather than the remote server - why?
    A) If you have problems accessing folders in MicroApache from say a directory listing page, and the page appears to redirect to the local machine or "localhost" etc. then check that you're using the server on a local network with by either IP address or machine name - check also that you are not using say Seamonkey and haven't included a proxy exception for your local network. You can enter a mask such as 192.168.1.* or the local machine name in Seamonkey.

    If using in a local LAN scenario then you may also need to ensure you don't run on a remote machine with the server name "localhost" You can do this with MicroApache 1.3.x using the updated launch-time configurator program LAUNCH13X.EXE (v1.04+) and a dynamic httpd.conf file with a macro value for the ServerName using $ip or $hostname. See the example httpd.conf.dynamic which is included with distros containing LAUNCH13X.EXE or upgrade your LAUNCH13X.EXE to v1.04
  • Q) MicroApache 2.0.63 has the wrong version of mod_deflate.dll (so) - why is this?
    A  Yes. Problems were encountered with mod_deflate when building the 2.0.63 release. For some unknown reason it was causing a Windows GPF when compressing documents. This was quite difficult to track down but it was found that the mod_deflate.dll from 2.0.61 was more stable and works perfectly. If you wish you can download the modules-all ZIP package and install the correct version of mod_deflate (but I don't recommend it) This is probably a regression error in 2.0.63 and will hopefully be released in 2.0.64 or 2.0.65. The latter will most likely be the next released version of MicroApache either late 2009 or Spring 2010.
  • Q)  Can you use other languages than PHP to generate back-end applications. What about BASIC or languages similar to those used by IIS?
    A  Yes, although PHP is very hard to beat you can also use legacy Visual BASIC or 100% VB-clones to generate back-end CGI applications using VBToolbox and the VBSqlite Visual BASIC 5/6 DLL. Visit http://vbtoolbox.kerys.co.uk for more information. The VBToolbox DLL is currently only 60Kb and the entire VBSQlite engine around 175Kb (both compressed), providing access to console I/O and rapid SQL database functionality.
    You can also use Ch++ a free C/C++ interpreter. See
    www.softintegration.com for more details.
    Additionally, you can use any Win32 console-mode EXE file which has been written as a CGI app and you can also use DOS/Win Batch files.
  • Q) I don't like the layout of this page - there's too much information on it, it's too messy... - (<insert similar gripe or rant here>)
    A) The page is designed for my own convenience. Sorry but I have only a limited time and keeping most of it on one page makes the job of keeping it up-to-date a lot easier and takes a heck of a lot less time.
  • Q) You don't seem to release many versions of Apache 1.3.x - why is this?
    A) It is getting harder to find updated/released binaries of Apache 1.3.x for Windows. Apache Org. no longer make them available.
  • Q) I am unable to run MicroApache from a CD because it keeps telling me that since it can't write to the error file, that it's going to quit.
    How can I remedy this?

    A) It is not recommended that Apache be run from non-writeable media as this will severely impact performance. Instead, use BartPE or UBCD4Win which copies to RAMDisk and runs from there. To run from CDROM you will need to disable logging using the ErrorLog and AccessLog directives
    A) Update: V1.05 of Launch13x.exe can now be used with the /TEMP switch to redirect the configuration to a local %TEMP% folder and dynamically-configure the system when running from optical media such as CDROM. Launch13x was intended to launch Apache 1.3.x but may also be used for other versions of MicroApache
  • Q) I can't access my home page - I type in http://localhost but nothing happens - why?
    A) MicroApache is configured on non-standard port 8800 so you need to specify the port number as http://localhost:8800
    Note that http://localhost is the same as http://localhost:80 (i.e. port 80 is assumed as this is the HTTP default)
    You can reconfigure to port 80 if you have no other web-service such as IIS etc. running on your machine
  • Q) On launching MicroApache I get an error message saying ...
    "(OS 10048)Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port)
    is normally permitted. : make_sock: could not bind to address
    to listening sockets available, shutting down unable to open logs"

    A) You already have another instance (copy) of Apache running on the machine in question which uses the same HTTP port (default for standard Apache=80, default for MicroApache=8800). If you want to run more than one instance configure each one to a separate folder and change the 2nd configuration file (conf/httpd.conf) to use a different port number. Say 80, 81, 88, 8800, 8880 or 8888. (Note, the "8" is of no particular significance - just customary)
  • Q) Does MicroApache Reduce the "memory footprint" of Apache?
    A) No. Compressing executables, DLLs (*.SO) and lib code and omitting components has no effect on memory footprint whatsoever
    Reduced memory demand may, however arise from omitting modules which are not required
  • Q) I can't get to the MicroApache Site From My Domain or IP - Why?
    A) I have given up manually filtering the huge number of "pests", hackers and botnets - I just don't have time to do such stuff. Instead I have implemented both automated IP blocking and wholesale blocking of certain domains. A primary example is keymachine.de which is so infested with malignant bots that I have unfortunately had to block the entire domain permanently. Some national domains where hacking traffic exceeds genuine traffic by 99% or more have been blocked. DOS attacks have been increasing, particularly from Iran and the USA. Certain oriental (APNIC) and South American (LACNIC) domains are particularly problematic and pose a risk to server security which I am not willing to accept. If you need access from a blocked domain/IP please use a reputable public proxy.
  • Q) My PC has MicroApache Installed and Sits Behind a Firewall/Router - How Can I Share my Portable Media on the Internet?
    A) First of all, be absolutely sure you really DO want to share your media with the wide world out there!
    Secondly, you need to "port-forward" whichever port you have configured MicroApache for (default=8800) to one, single, specified PC which hosts your MicroApache service and portable media you want to share. If you want to share your hard drive (NOT RECOMMENDED) then you will either need to reconfigure the httpd.conf file if running from portable media, or install a copy of MicroApache on the hard drive you want to share. You may also need to read the documentation which came with your firewall/router. If you already have port-forwarding enabled on you router which serves the same port as any copies of MicroApache you may run be VERY careful that you don't accidentally make your Apache server public to the wider internet!.

    HTTP(Web) Request->Internet ->Your Router->Trigger Port (e.g. 8800)->Routing Rules (to IP Address)->Local Machine/Apache Port (8800)
  • Q) Can Apache 1.3.x Be Used On Production Servers
    A) Yes, it is *possible* but this is STRONGLY and ABSOLUTELY discouraged!
    MicroApache was developed primarily to share portable media but with a little-tweaking it can be made just as secure as normal Apache
    Also, it should never be used with Windows 9x or ME in any situation where security may be a problem - please read the Win32 notes on the Apache website
  • Q) Are There any Free Apache Textbooks Available?
    Yes, check out this free, downloadable eBook - the Apache Desktop Reference available in PDF format (7,749kb)
  • Q) I launch my browser and type "http://localhost" but can't see any pages - why?
    A) Standard HTTP (web) pages are accessed on port 80 so http://localhost is the same as typing http://localhost:80 - MicroApache runs purposely on port 8800 to avoid conflicts with currently-installed webservers such as IIS which already have port 80 locked "in-use". Therefore you need to add the port value to the end of any URL for the first page you access e.g. http://locahost:8800
    Yes, you can change this if you want in /conf/httpd.conf. Open with Notepad and change the PORT value from 8800 to say 80 or 88, 81 or some other value. Standard HTTP is on port 80 - you can use this if you have no other webserver installed on the PC. If you configure this you won't need to add the port value at the end of your first web-page access.
  • Q) I have a non-English language version requirement - how do I ...
    A) MicroApache was developed primarily for the maintainer's use and is therefore released in English in order to be as tiny as possible. You can still add all standard Apache and Apache-compatible modules and use all international Apache configuration directives with this version (e.g. specialised code-page or error-page support). It is not a specially-compiled binary. See the official Apache site for details on regional-language tweaking for Apache. http://www.apache.org
  • Q) Is the SSL version supported?
    A) The latest release uses the SSL Apache binaries but there have been no requests at all for SSL and it may not be wise to use SSL on this distro. An SSL version might be released if there is sufficient demand. Assume "no" to this question. However, since MicroApache is based on standard binaries you can absolutely extend it by replacing required components to implement SSL. I think the primary problem with SSL is the cost of certificates and the problem of there being a central, commercial, monopoly on certificate issuing. Until some bright spark figures out a way to decentralise SSL certification and take it out of the hands of corporations then SSL is likely to be a non-starter for distros like MicroApache. Yes, you *can* create your own certificates but then your browser will almost certainly complain that they're "unapproved" (see previous point).
  • Q) I can't find the system (tool) tray icon to stop/start Apache - where is it?
    A) By default, MicroApache does NOT run as a service but as an app in "console mode". You can configure a shortcut to mapache.exe to run as "start minimised" but the console cannot be hidden since this is needed to stop the server by pressing CTRL+C within the console itself. If you have no other copies of Apache installed on your PC and are sure you will never install other "standard" copies in future you can install MicroApache as a service (see below).
  • Q) Can MicroApache be run as a service instead of as a console-mode application?
    A) Yes. See the standard Apache documentation. This is not documented in-depth here as you can only have one Apache service without an awful lot of "fiddling" and any MicroApache service would conflict with any "standard" Apache service installed. This would inevitably lead to a large number of support requests due to inexperienced users trying to run conflicting versions of Apache. To install MicroApache IN PLACE of standard Apache do the following
    1) From your "standard" Apache "bin" directory, STOP, then uninstall the "standard" Apache service using apache -k stop  then apache -k uninstall
    2) Change directory to your MicroApache server and issue the command mapache -k install then mapache -k start
    You should see the start warming re: "disable AcceptEx" but the console window will not be locked/bound to the Apache instance and control should, in this case, now return to the console (C:\>) prompt.
  • Q) I looked for the Apache *.SO Modules but Couldn't Find Them - Why is this?
    A) I took the decision to rename all SO modules to their "correct" Windows filetype (*.DLL). The filetype "SO" was apparently given for Linux compatibility but on the Win32 platform these really are just standard Windows DLL files. It helps for use with file-compressors such as UPX to use the correct/actual file descriptor of *.DLL. Apache doesn't care what the name is as long as the correct name (including filetype SO or DLL) is referenced in the httpd.conf configuration file when loading. You can add other modules either as *.SO files or rename as *.DLL as you prefer - it's entirely up to you. PHP module add-ins are generally named as DLL files under Win32 anyway.
  • Q) Is MicroApache covered under the Open Source GPL Licence?
    A) Yes, but see the Licensing Section for more information on each component.You can get the original source code from Apache or one of many mirror websites. I make it available for download by email request in order to strictly adhere to the GPL - I have not modified the source or object code in any way.
  • Q) Does MicroApache accept standard configurations and commands?
    A) Yes. The binaries are untouched and unmodified originals which are simply compressed using UPX file-compression. Binaries which are also not required for anything other than the most basic use are removed and the directory tree is pruned of other surplus files. UPX cannot be recommended too highly. Great work guys!
  • Q) Where is the full documentation for each version of Micro-Apache?
    A) Read the standard Apache documentation for the relevant version of (Micro)Apache you are using
  • Q) Can you REALLY run a complete website on a floppy disk?
    A) Yes. Check out this page which is running live from floppy complete with CGI guestbook and a small FTP server
  • Q) Can MicroApache be run from a CDROM or DVD ROM?
    A) Yes, absolutely. I have bundled it onto software-install CDROMs for use on clients' premises. It needs only to be run on one PC to provide HTTP access to software install routines throughout the office or network. Very handy, safe, secure and saves a lot of legwork and when you pop-out the CDROM the server is gone for good from that site. You can even password-protect access to the DVD "server" using BASIC authentication. Note that when running entirely from non-writeable media that you will need to either redirect log files to writeable media such as a hard-drive, ramdisk or floppy or disable logging completely. Note that this does not affect distros such as BartPE or UBCD4Win which load from non-writeable media but which after loading then run from a RAMDisk
  • Q) Why don't you focus on Apache 2.2.0?
    A) IMHO Apache 2.2.x isn't yet mature enough for Win32 (at least for enough a micro distribution). Apache is primarily a product for Linux and the Win32 distros tend to lag slightly behind in the development cycle. Also, a number of major 3rd-party modules aren't yet available for 2.2.x. Therefore Win32 users would be well-advised to use the older release v2.0.x until a year or two of the 2.2.x dev-cycle has progressed. See the Apache site for more information regarding the Win32 product life-cycle.
  • Q) Is MicroApache a "portable" distribution? - Does it need to be installed?
    A) Yes, it is portable and NO, it needs NO install other than to unzip the supplied server bundle to a convenient location. You can "install" extra copies by simply copying an existing "install" and tweaking the config file as required. Little more than "unzip-and-run"
  • Q) Will the Apache Foundation provide support specific to MicroApache or other portable distros?
    A) No. Absolutely NOT. However, all of the standard Apache documentation will apply to all versions of MicroApache
  • Q) Will you be keeping up to date with every release of Apache!
    A) No. due to time and resources I will only release a version every 2-4 or so releases of Apache - about every 6 to 12 months or ever alternate version of 2.0.x. Due to certain module incompatibilities with Apache 2.2.x I may choose NOT to support version 2.2.x to any great degree. This decision was made mainly due to the lack of 2.2.x versions of popular add-ons. In time I would guess that this situation would be remedied and I will change over to 2.2.x. Probably not before 2010 though.
  • Q) Why don't you provide support or a forum?
    A) Because I simply do not have time to do that, sorry. Perhaps you might volunteer to set up a forum or website?
  • Q) Can you recommend a good Apache support forum?
    A) Yes, try http://www.apachefreaks.com I used to contribute regularly until it closed and migrated to PHPfreaks following a sustained hack attack

FAQ - Windows, General and O/S Related Questions

  • Q) Do you plan to implement PERL?
    A) No. I'm not particularly familiar with PERL but from what I've found from experimenting is that that keeping PERL useful enough to satisfy the average PERL-addict would result in something less than compact. PHP is tiny yet pretty full-featured. If you really need PERL there is nothing to stop you installing the standard PERL package to match the bundled version of Apache. Unfortunately to provide the functionality you need the result may not be "micro-sized".
  • Q) Does MicroApache work with MojoPac XP "Portable PC"?
    A No, not at present. It loads and runs OK but the process does not appear to be visible when say TCPView is launched. You can access the server okay from the "host" PC environment in XP via a web-browser but not from any other PCs external to the host. I suspected a firewall issue but even with firewall disabled I was unable to get an inbound connection whilst testing. The bug was reported to the MojoPac forum but this may be due to a "by design" security feature. You can get more information from www.mojopac.com or the forum posting here
  • Q) How can I run MicroApache in Windows under the QEMU emulator?
    A) QEMU and Windows NT 4.x works very well with MicroApache but note that you should install SP6a and any updates. To make MicroApache work, simply copy the install into your virtual machine and run it as normal. However you will need to configure QEMU to redirect the local Apache port and permit it to pass through the built-in firewall. QEMU-Manager is recommended. However if you use a batch file to launch QEMU you can add the command -tcp
    -redir tcp:<host-port>:<IP>:<guest-port>    or  
    -redir tcp:<host-port>::<guest-port>
    Note that you can omit the IP address. The host port is the "real" PC, the guest port is the virtual PC
    Example: to redirect QEMU MicroApache port 8800 to host port 80 append the following command to your command-line: -redir tcp:8800::80
  • Q) Why isn't running MicroApache as a Windows service as the default?
    A) Many people may already have a copy of "standard" Apache running and the two versions may conflict. To run MicroApache as the default service you need to uninstall any "standard" version's service then install MicroApache in it's place. You can use the apache -k install feature to install if you wish - this will "bind" the EXE file as a Windows Service and run at startup by default.
  • Q) If I install MicroApache as the default Apache service can I use the standard tool-tray app (or other 3rd-party) SCM app to control it?
    A) Possibly. This should work if you have properly installed and run as a service and NOT as a console mode app. You CANNOT use the SCM app to control Apache when running in "console mode". The SCM app (ApacheMonitor.exe) may require to read correctly-configured registry keys however.
  • Q) Does MicroApache create registry keys?
    A) Not as far as I am aware but the "standard" Apache MSI install may create such keys which means that if such keys exist in your registry then MicroApache may attempt to read them when it loads. I've not really invested a lot of time in checking this so if you have any expert information or have performed any registry monitoring it would be appreciated.
  • Q) Does MicroApache Work with Windows 9x?
    A) Yes. It works just fine but isn't recommended for use as a public-facing webserver on this O/S even with security updates
    You can still use it as a domestic webserver though. Windows 95 will require Winsock updates and isn't really recommended
  • Q) Does MicroApache Work with ReactOS?
    A) No. Not AFAIK. ReactOS is still at very early alpha stage of development and TCP/IP and other network functionality (ROS 0.3.4) and it's TCP stack is still too unstable to warrant testing. If you have any success in getting it to run/run stably then let me know. Version 0.3.4 was recently tried and found still to be too unstable even to get the binaries onto the machine without getting a BSOD. It is early days yet for the project. Please be patient!
  • Q) Can MicroApache Be Run in Linux using WINE?
    A) Yes. (Apparently). Very handy for USB-stick MicroApache. You can run it using the command "sudo wine mapache.exe".  
    Note that image content may not transfer properly and this may depend on the nature of your site. You may see a console error "fixme:mswsock:TransmitFile not implemented" but otherwise it should be usable. This is a WINE error not a MicroApache error. The WinSock TransmitFile() has yet to be implemented in WINE. Try an updated version of WINE. Note also that the AcceptEx() functionality is also not implemented so you should always disable this using Win32DisableAcceptEx On
    See: (WINE Bug #5048) (TransmitFile() API discussion) (TransmitFile() MSDN)
  • Q) Does MicroApache work in Windows Vista?
    A) A recently acquired Vista laptop gave an opportunity to test MicroApache 2.0.59 with PHP 4.4.4 - it worked perfectly and there appear to be NO issues. However, if you become aware of any issues with MicroApache then please post the relevant bug report here and I will check it out. Unfortunately this may take time as I have upgraded all my Vista machines to XP. Personally, I really do not recommend Windows Vista to any user - stick with XP or wait for Vista/SP2 or Windows 7
  • Q) MicroApache doesn't seem to work with a specific switch or example batch file - why?
    A) You need to have some experience with batch files if you intend to tweak/test the examples
    Sorry but I don't have time to teach you Win32 batch scripting!

FAQ  - PHP Related Questions

  • Q) You supply MicroApache with the PHP.INI in the root dir - this is wrong it should be in [insert-directory-name-here]
    A) No. The official PHP documentation says the following which says you may put PHP.INI in the \windows directory - if you wish but it may also go in the root directory of the Apache install - Quote -

    "On Windows the default path for the php.ini file is the Windows directory. If you're using the Apache webserver, php.ini is first searched in the Apaches install directory, e.g. c:\program files\apache group\apache. This way you can have different php.ini files for different versions of Apache on the same machine."

    The following page also gives more information
  • Q) Does PHP use the registry? - You fail to install registry keys, does this matter?
    A) PHP may use the registry keys to search for certain information, however this is (as far as I am aware) optional and should not matter. PHP has several strategies for determining options and configurations, with registry keys being one of them. However, the heritage of PHP is from Linux where registry services are not available and sensible defaults are instead used. These strategies are carried over into Windows. Thus there should be no absolute dependency on installed registry keys providing you have installed a properly-configured PHP.INI.
  • Q) Is there a definitive list of PHP.INI directives so I can tighten up/change PHP security?
    A) Yes. See this page at php.net
  • Q) I have (various) problems installing PHP - are there any resources I can use?
    A) Yes. All of the documentation on the PHP site should be relevant see the PHP Windows Install Page which includes user comments and bug workarounds
  • Q) Is PHP 5 Ready Yet (as of December 2007)?
    A) Support for PHP 4 by it's developers will cease at the end of 2007 so I will need to have a look at PHP 5 again. The last time I looked in detail (around 2005) it had some "issues" including PHP code-compatibility and Win32 stability. I have had no test/feedback results so far but someone confirms that they've at least tried PHP5 with Apache 2.0.x. Until a version is released with PHP5 you can download it from www.php.net and add the following files.. (optionally UPX compressed).


    You may also optionally add the following files

    Add this line to the httpd.conf file
     LoadModule php5_module "php5apache2.dll"

Apache is one of the best documented freeware webservers around. There is no excuse for not Reading The F#%$£ Manual (RTFM). If you need one-to-one Apache webserver support I can offer it at a contract hourly rate of £25/hr + mileage. Sorry, but I simply don't have time to sit down and create "one off" individual configurations for you or act as a substitute teacher if you're too lazy to read the copious and very well-written documentation provided by the Apache Foundation.

If you have problems after reading the manual please try one of the many Apache support forums but do remember above all, to be polite, and bear in mind that they may NOT wish to support MicroApache at all. There's a massive body of documentation out there including a complete and really quite excellent book on Apache by Ralf Engelshall downloadable in PDF format. Go to http://www.apacheref.com.

The recommended support forum for Apache Webserver is ApacheFreaks at http://www.apachefreaks.com See also the ApacheLounge Website which is a really useful resource.

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